Ubuntu Festival: Experience Southern Africa!

Ubuntu Festival, Experience Southern Africa!

You are invited to a festival celebrating Southern African culture and heritage! The event featured performances, entertainment and vendors from the region. You will have a variety of vendors to choose from displaying fine art, jewelry, crafts, fashion and more. Other vendors include area nonprofit organizations, embassies, entrepreneurs, and local businesses. A fun day for the whole family. We invite the public to come and experience Southern Africa!

Ubuntu: In Southern Africa, the Nguni term Ubuntu (hunhu – Shona or uMunthu – Chichewa/Chinyanja) has come to be used as a term for a kind of humanist philosophy, ethic, ideology, and world view. It is often translated to mean, “I am because we are”  – an African way of thinking about what it means to be human, and how we, as humans are connected to one another.In essence, it that a persons humanity is through the recognition that there is an ‘other’ who is unique and different, but still connected to us. At the heart of the definition, is the connectedness that exists or should exist between people. It is in this spirit that we invite you to connect with us through this festival…come experience Southern Africa!




Sponsor our event: contact info@southernafricancommunity.org

Vendors and Entertainers, visit our call for participation page for more information.