Awards Nomination Page – Businesses and Non-Profit Organizations Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.NAME OF ORGANIZATION *Please enter the name of the for-profit or non-profit Southern African organization. This organization must be doing work in at lease one southern African country or working with at least one southern African community. WEBSITE (IF ANY)Organizations Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, other site)IS THE ORGANIZATION NON-PROFIT OR FOR-PROFIT? *Non-profit organization/Non-governmental organization (NGO)For-profit organization (small to medium sized business)*Non-profit includes any government registered organization. It does not need to be tax exempt. *Business needs to be registered in the US or a southern African country. SOUTHERN AFRICAN COUNTRY *Please write down the name of the country or southern African community in the US that is most closely related to the organization. BASIS FOR NOMINATION (ACTIVITIES & ACCOMPLISHMENTS) *1. What are the organization’s main activities? 2. Why are you nominating this organization? (list any accomplishments, industry recognitions, extraordinary services, etc..) WHY DOES THIS ORGANIZATION DESERVE AN AWARD? *How has the organization’s work, activities, founder(s) or owner(s) inspired you, members of your community or other communities?CONTACT NAME *FirstLastBusiness owner/founder contact for the organization that you are nominating. You may list alternative contacts/contact information in the comments section.NOMINEE'S EMAIL *OTHER NOMINEE INFORMATIONIs there anything else you want us to know about the organization you nominated?NOMINATOR NAME *FirstLastList your first name and last name NOMINATOR EMAIL *List your emailNominator Phone Number *Do not include any punctuation AWARD? NOMINATOR ORGANIZATION COMMENTSIs there anything else you would like to mention about your nominee?Submit