Omega Tawonezvi

Omega Tawonezvi
Executive Board of Directors , Founders

Tawonezvi is interested in economic development and improved healthcare access & outcomes for Africans on the continent and in the diaspora. She works with established groups in her native Zimbabwe to promote micro-enterprise and health wellness programs. She is the assistant producer of Southern African Connection, a southern Africa centric weekly TV magazine show in the DC metro area.  Omega has over 10 year’s operations management experience in various industries including financial services, telecommunications, and drug development services and currently works for a healthcare consulting firm in DC. Omega holds an MBA & Masters in International Management from the University of Maryland system and a BBA in Economics from Austin Peay State University. She tweets about all things southern African @africasoequator and blogs on www.padare-indaba and on a Guardian Africa Network affiliate.  She is also a Co-founder of SACU and currently serves on the board as a Director.

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